The Lever #071: The 3 Levels of Leadership

Welcome to issue No. 071 of the Lever

If you want to become a great leader then the first step is defining what great leadership is.

But First...

This is the first article in a new series I'm writing for my sister.

We've been talking about leadership and I'm sharing what I know to help her succeed in her own career.

I hope everyone takes something from this and welcome any and all feedback.

What qualifies a person as a leader?

Is it their position? Their title? Is it because they have a larger vision for the organization they are in?

Or is it just that they tell people what to do every day?

I've got a theory.

Leadership means different things to different people.

According to John C. Maxwell, leadership is,

"Influence. Nothing more, nothing less."

That's the best definition I know.

Leadership is an ongoing journey of self discovery.

You become a leader when you choose to lead. But to be a good leader you must also choose a path of continuing development.

Because good leaders are developed in stages.

Stage 1 - Position

This is leadership by title alone.

The authority comes from your position or role in the organization.

This is the lowest level of leadership.

Stage 2 - Permission

This involves developing relationships with your people.

You EARN the right to lead them.

Gain influence through trust, credibility and likability.

Stage 3 - Performance

This is leadership achieved through results and growth.

You prove your ability to deliver outcomes that move the organization forward.

People follow because of what you have done and what you can do.

When you hear about implicit leadership within an organization it's usually because a person exhibits one of these levels.

They might have Permission, but not Position (because they are charismatic).

Or they could have Performance, but not Permission (because they get results but are hard to work with).

The highest level of leadership combines all three.

Level 3 leaders have positional authority that gives them a platform.

They earn permission to lead through strong relationships and influence.

And they cement their leadership through consistent production and results.

Leadership development needs to focus on moving from:


🔸Position + Permission

🔸Position + Permission + Performance

This is the pinnacle of leadership effectiveness.

The Lever

High Leverage Skills for New Business Leaders

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